What Is A VA Rating Code Sheet and Why Is It So Important?

When disabled veterans apply to the VA for a VA disability rating so they can collect benefits, they are provided with a packet of information about the VA system.

Within it should be a veterans disability ratings code sheet, as this is an important part of the rating process.


When disabled veterans apply to the VA for a VA disability rating so they can collect benefits, they are provided with a packet of information about the VA system.

Within it should be a veterans disability ratings code sheet, as this is an important part of the rating process.

Sometimes veterans may receive their information packet without this critical document and if so, they should request it.

Possessing a copy of their rating code sheet can provide important VA disability rating assistance, especially in cases where the veteran has questions about their rating or disagrees with it. 

What Is A Va Rating Code Sheet? 

It is a form that contains decisions made about a veteran’s disability rating when their claims are processed.

VA rating code sheets include important information such as the VA file number for that person, their military service dates, the name of any attorneys they have on file for VA disability rating assistance, and the diagnostic codes used to assign their disability rating plus additional diagnosis-related details.

Rating code sheets also include information about previous ratings, how current ratings were determined, records of past denied claims, compensation records, and notes on past medical examinations and when re-examinations are due. 

A VA Rating Code Sheet Lists All Details About A Veteran's Disability Rating

Essentially, this form contains all the details related to a veteran’s disability rating, their claim, and why they received the rating they did, making it a very important document for a veteran to possess.

Knowing this, if veterans do not receive their rating sheet in their information packet, it is recommended that they request one so they can review the information and ensure its accuracy.

Veterans who have had claims denied or received veterans disability ratings that they disagree with should have a copy of their rating code sheet to see how their claim was interpreted and what problems might exist with their claim before attempting to dispute things. 

Getting A Copy of A Veteran's VA Disability Rating Code Sheet

How can a veteran get a copy of their VA disability rating code sheet?

Any veteran may get a copy of their rating code sheet by going in person to the regional VA office that they are assigned to or by mailing a written request to their VA office under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, as this is information that every veteran is entitled to have.

After receiving their rating code sheet, veterans can then contact a VA disability rating assistance specialist if they have questions about what their sheet contains or how to best prepare to challenge a VA disability rating or a claim denial.