What to Do Inbetween Massage Therapy Treatments

If you’ve discovered the amazing benefits of massage therapy, congratulations!

Even so, whether you get one massage a week or can only fit in one a month, there are things you can do in between treatments to extend the positive benefits and keep your body in tune.

Developing a […]

If you’ve discovered the amazing benefits of massage therapy, congratulations!

Even so, whether you get one massage a week or can only fit in one a month, there are things you can do in between treatments to extend the positive benefits and keep your body in tune.

Developing a between-massage self-care regimen at home will help you maintain those feelings of well-being and relaxation, and keep your body healing.

Add Tension-Release Methods

Since much of massage therapy focuses on releasing muscle tension, think about ways to add other tension-release methods into your day.

Exercises that provide gentle stretching, muscle rolling, and back and shoulder aligning and releasing can help you stay flexible between treatments, especially if you spend a lot of time seated during the day.

Use self-massage on tense areas, and reduce body strain by using ergonomic equipment and tools to prevent that tension and strain from building up.

Even things like buying the right shoes and desk chair will protect the body, prevent knots and strains, and allow the benefits of massage therapy to go further, until the next session.

Stick To A Good Routine of Self-Care

For many people with the best intentions, actually sticking to a routine of self-care between massages is the hardest part.

So, how can you do it?

Besides taking advantage of ergonomics, find points in your day when it is most convenient to add moments of self-care to remove the idea that you have to interrupt your day to do it.

Keep aids like massage oil, and tennis balls for foot massages, close to where you are most likely to use them so they act as a reminder.

Purchase microwavable heating compresses and quick-chill ice packs so they are readily available when you need hot or cold.

Add little stretches into your morning wake up routine or little work breaks at your desk.

Buy bath soothing bath salts and a shower massage head to treat tired muscles after a long day.

Use These Techniques To Feel Better!

Even when you can only have an occasional session with a massage therapist, these and other techniques will help you take the massage home so you get the greatest advantage from it.

Ask your therapist for additional ideas you can use at home to maintain the level of muscle relaxation and flexibility you leave the spa with, too.

In making the effort to do some self-care between massages, you will experience a more significant response when you do go. The end result will be a stress-free, pain-free you!